An implementation of ‘Deep Learning for Portfolio Optimization’ by Zhang, Z. , Zohren, S. , Roberts, S.
Can a diversified portfolio built using a deep learning model trained on price data beat the risk adjusted returns of the market? The short answer is: no.
The article “Deep Learning for Portfolio Optimization” proposes an interesting approach to building a diversified portfolio using highly liquid Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs): a deep learning model is trained and used to obtain the portfolio weights which optimize the portfolio Sharpe ratio.
The results shown in the article are promising, and the possibility to have the model directly spitting out the optimal weights is enticing. There is major issue we have found with the securities used in the article:
We use four market indices: US total stock index (VTI), US aggregate bond index (AGG), US commodity index (DBC) and Volatility Index (VIX).
The VIX is an index, not an investable asset, and therefore the results included in the article could never be achieved by an actual portfolio as there are no financial instruments that replicate the performance of the VIX. We could surely use VIX futures, VIX future options, or ETPs based on VIX futures, but none of these track the VIX well. Why is this the case? Read this and this.
Replicating the results
Although the performance of the strategy reported in the article cannot be actually replicated, we have benchmarked our implementation by using market data very similar to the one used by the authors. The source code shows VXX (which is a listed instrument) as the instrument tracking the VIX, but its market data has been replaced with the VIX historical data to replicate the results of the article.
The performance of our implementation is similar to the performance reported in the original article. The detailed reports are below.
- Backtest results (no target volatility): No target volatility
- Backtest results (annualized target volatility = 10%): Target volatility 10%
Alternative strategies
The results reported in the article cannot be replicated in an actual portfolio, but since the methodology seems promising we have tried applying it to investable assets only.
We have used mutual funds as they allow us to run longer simulations: some of them have been trading since the eighties, and market data therefore starts earlier on.
Trading is simulated at the close (this causes a positive skew in the simulated performance, but the effect can be neglected for the sake of comparison with the strategy reported in the original article).
Transaction costs are simulated by the broker implementation in the Lean backtesting engine.
The sets of assets we have considered are below.
Portfolio A
- Model training: every 2 years
- Rebalancing frequency: daily
- Minimum weight change for rebalancing: 0
- Target volatility: no
This is a simple but diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, and commodities. It attempts to replicate the set of assets used in the article while excluding VIX.
Portfolio B
- Model training: every 2 years
- Rebalancing frequency: daily
- Minimum weight change for rebalancing: 2 %
- Target volatility: no
This portfolio is similar to the previous, but includes an ultra short term bonds fund to simulate an allocation to cash.
Portfolio C
- Assets: SPY, GHAAX, AGG, SH
- Model training: every 2 years
- Rebalancing frequency: daily
- Minimum weight change for rebalancing: 2 %
- Target volatility: no
This portfolio uses SH as a proxy for VIX. We could have used VXX, or VIXY instead, but the length of the historical market data is not sufficient to train the model properly.
The simulated performance of the methodology proposed in the original article is unfortunately poor when using investable assets. The outperformance reported in the original article seems to be deriving from the usage of VIX as an investable asset. The results for each simulation are below.
Portfolio A
- Sharpe ratio: 0.69
- CAGR: 10.08 %
- Max drawdown: -33.75 %
- Detailed tearsheet
Portfolio B
- Sharpe ratio: 0.6
- CAGR: 5.97 %
- Max drawdown: -28.92 %
- Detailed tearsheet
Portfolio C
- Sharpe ratio: 0.5
- CAGR: 5.22 %
- Max drawdown: -28 %
- Detailed tearsheet
Source code (Python)
Model implementation
import gc
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.keras.backend as K
from tensorflow.keras.layers import LSTM, Flatten, Dense
from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential
from tensorflow.keras.callbacks import Callback
from keras.preprocessing.sequence import TimeseriesGenerator
from keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping
class DeepLearningPortfolioOptimizationModel:
def __init__(self, target_annualized_volatility = 10.,
run_eagerly = True,
save_prediction_history = False,
test_len = 50,
batch_size = 64,
retrain_every_months = 24,
n_epochs = 100):
self.target_annualized_volatility = target_annualized_volatility
self.run_eagerly = run_eagerly
self.save_prediction_history = save_prediction_history
self.test_len = test_len
self.retrain_every_months = retrain_every_months
self.n_epochs = n_epochs
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.idx = 0
self.counter = 0
self.model = None
self.history = None
self.callbacks = None
def get_weights(self, data, force_train=False):
""" Return the optimal portfolio weights on the basis of the historical data available """
# Clear model at every call
if self.retrain_every_months < 0 or force_train:
self.model = None
# Clear model after a given number of iterations
# if self.counter % self.retrain_every_months == 0 and not force_train:
# self.model = None
self.counter += 1
def custom_loss_wrapper(dfs):
""" Wrap the loss function to be able to feed a different dataframe for each step """
def sharpe_loss(y_true, y_pred):
""" Loss function which minimizes -sharpe_ratio (maximizes Sharpe) """
df = dfs[self.idx]
tfData = tf.cast(tf.constant(df), float)
portfolio_returns = (tfData[1:] / tfData[:-1]) - 1
if self.target_annualized_volatility > 0:
std = tf.cast(tf.constant(self.target_annualized_volatility / (df[-self.test_len:].dropna().pct_change().dropna().ewm(com=0.5).std()[-1:] * np.sqrt(252) * 100)), float)
portfolio_returns = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(portfolio_returns, tf.multiply(std, y_pred)), axis = 1)
portfolio_returns = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(portfolio_returns, y_pred), axis = 1)
mean = K.mean(portfolio_returns)
std = K.std(portfolio_returns)
self.idx += 1
return -mean / std
return sharpe_loss
# Concatenate prices and returns
dataset = np.concatenate([data.values[1:], data.pct_change().values[1:]], axis = 1)
# Build a mock target dataset
y_train = [np.ones((1, len(data.columns))) * 1. / len(data.columns) for i in range(0, len(dataset))]
n_features = dataset.shape[1]
# Prepare the input for the prediction
x_pred = dataset[-self.test_len:]
x_pred = x_pred.reshape((1, self.test_len, n_features))
callbacks = []
# Train the network if the model has been cleared
if not self.model:
# Prepare the data necessary for training
self.idx = 0
generator = TimeseriesGenerator(dataset, y_train, length = self.test_len, shuffle = False, batch_size = self.batch_size)
dfs = [data[i:i + self.batch_size + 1] for i in range(generator.start_index, generator.end_index, generator.batch_size)]
# Define the model
self.model = Sequential([
LSTM(64, input_shape = (self.test_len, n_features)),
Dense(len(data.columns), activation = 'softmax')
optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(amsgrad = False)
loss = custom_loss_wrapper(dfs)
self.model.compile(loss = loss, optimizer = optimizer, run_eagerly = self.run_eagerly)
# Add custom callbacks
if self.run_eagerly:
if self.save_prediction_history:
# Train the model
steps_per_epoch = int(len(dataset) / float(self.batch_size)) - 1
self.history =, shuffle = False, steps_per_epoch = steps_per_epoch, epochs = self.n_epochs, verbose = 0, batch_size = self.batch_size,
callbacks = callbacks)
# Predict portfolio weights and return all results
prediction = self.model.predict(x_pred, verbose = 0)
predictionResults = PredictionResults(self.model, self.history, prediction, callbacks)
return predictionResults
class ClearMemory(Callback):
def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs = None):
class PredictionHistoryCallback(Callback):
def __init__(self, x_test):
self.x_test = x_test
self.prediction_history = list()
def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs = None):
class ResetIndexCallback(Callback):
def __init__(self, model_container):
self.model_container = model_container
self.n_epochs = 0
def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs = None):
self.n_epochs += 1
self.model_container.idx = 0
class PredictionResults():
def __init__(self, model, history, prediction, callbacks):
self.model = model
self.history = history
self.prediction = prediction
self.weights = prediction[0]
self.callbacks = callbacks
Backtest code
from QClibs import *
from System import *
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict, deque
from DLPOM import DeepLearningPortfolioOptimizationModel
class DeepLearningPortfolioOptimizationAlgo(QCAlgorithm):
def Initialize(self):
self.SetStartDate(2012, 1, 1)
# tickers = ['VTI', 'DBC', 'AGG', 'VXX'] # original universe
# tickers = ['SPY', 'GHAAX', 'VWESX', 'VUSTX'] # universe A
# tickers = ['SPY', 'GHAAX', 'AGG', 'DFIHX'] # universe B
tickers = ['SPY', 'GHAAX', 'AGG', 'SH'] # universe C
# tickers = ['SPY', 'GHAAX', 'VBMFX', 'VXX']
# tickers = ['VTI', 'DBC', 'VGK', 'VPL', 'EEM', 'GLD', 'TLT', 'IEF', 'QQQ', 'VNQ', 'VB', 'TIP', 'LQD']
for t in tickers:
self.AddEquity(t, Resolution.Daily)
for s in self.Securities.Values:
self.target_annualized_volatility = -1
self.train_period = 5 * 252
self.max_delta_rebalance = 0.02 = deque(maxlen = self.train_period*10)
self.model = DeepLearningPortfolioOptimizationModel(target_annualized_volatility = -1.,
test_len = 50,
retrain_every_months = 24,
n_epochs = 100,
batch_size = 64,
run_eagerly = True,
save_prediction_history = False)
self.Train(self.DateRules.MonthStart(tickers[0]), self.TimeRules.BeforeMarketClose(tickers[0]), self.Retrain)
self.TimeRules.AfterMarketOpen(tickers[0]), # self.algorithm.TimeRules.AfterMarketOpen(self.benchmark, 60)
self.SetBrokerageModel(BrokerageName.InteractiveBrokersBrokerage, AccountType.Margin)
self.last_weights = None
self.previous_day = -1
self.number_of_months_elapsed = 0
def ExtractClose(self):
# Convert the list of Slices into a single dataframe
data = self.PandasConverter.GetDataFrame(list([::-1]
except Exception as ex:
self.Error(f'{self.Time} - could not convert dataframe: {ex}')
return None
# Extract the close prices
data = data['close'].unstack(level = 0).dropna()
return data
def Retrain(self):
# Not enough data yet
if len( < self.train_period:
self.Debug(f'{self.Time} - data not ready')
data = self.ExtractClose()
if data is None:
# Train the model and get the optimal weights
if self.number_of_months_elapsed % self.model.retrain_every_months == 0:
self.model.get_weights(data, force_train=True)
self.number_of_months_elapsed += 1
def Rebalance(self):
# Model not ready
if self.model.model is None:
# Extract the close prices
data = self.ExtractClose()
if data is None:
tickers = [s.split(' ')[0] for s in data.columns]
# Get the optimal weights
prediction_results = self.model.get_weights(data, force_train=False)
weights = prediction_results.weights
# Check if weights are valid
if any(np.isnan(weights)):
self.Error(f"Orders will not be sent as some weights are not valid: {weights}")
if weights is None or len(weights) == 0:
self.Error(f'{self.Time} - Portfolio weights are not valid: {weights}')
# Volatility targeting
if self.target_annualized_volatility > 0:
vol = np.minimum(1, self.target_annualized_volatility/(data.pct_change().dropna().ewm(com=0.5).std()[-1:] * np.sqrt(252) * 100))
weights = (weights * vol).values[0]
# Order target portfolio weights in ascending order to be sure that sell orders are sent before buy orders
delta_weights = []
current_weights = currentWeights(self)
if current_weights is not None and len(current_weights) == len(weights):
delta_weights = [w - current_weights[tickers[i]] for i,w in enumerate(weights)]
ticker_weight = sorted(zip(tickers, weights, delta_weights), key = lambda x: x[2], reverse = False)
ticker_weight = sorted(zip(tickers, weights, weights), key = lambda x: x[1], reverse = False)
# Send orders
# if not delta_weights or (delta_weights and any([abs(d)>2.5/100. for d in delta_weights])):
if (not delta_weights or
all([w == 0 for w in weights]) or
(len(delta_weights) != 0 and any([(abs(d) > self.max_delta_rebalance) for d in delta_weights])) or
not self.Portfolio.Invested):
self.Log(f'{self.Time} - Portfolio weights: {weights}')
for t, w, dw in ticker_weight:
if dw > 0:
self.SetHoldings(t, w * 0.99)
self.SetHoldings(t, w)
self.last_weights = weights
def OnData(self, data):
if self.previous_day !=
self.previous_day =
def currentWeights(algorithm):
current_weights = {s.Symbol:0 for s in algorithm.Securities.Values}
totPortfolioValue = algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue
for symbol in current_weights.keys():
curr_quantity = algorithm.Portfolio[symbol].Quantity
price = algorithm.Securities[symbol].Price
current_weights[symbol] = curr_quantity * price / totPortfolioValue
return {s.Value:w for s,w in current_weights.items()}
Lean engine dependencies
from QuantConnect import *
from QuantConnect.Parameters import *
from QuantConnect.Benchmarks import *
from QuantConnect.Brokerages import *
from QuantConnect.Util import *
from QuantConnect.Interfaces import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Selection import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Alphas import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Portfolio import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Execution import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Risk import *
from QuantConnect.Indicators import *
from QuantConnect.Data import *
from QuantConnect.Data.Consolidators import *
from QuantConnect.Data.Custom import *
from QuantConnect.Data.Fundamental import *
from QuantConnect.Data.Market import *
from QuantConnect.Data.UniverseSelection import *
from QuantConnect.Notifications import *
from QuantConnect.Orders import *
from QuantConnect.Orders.Fees import *
from QuantConnect.Orders.Fills import *
from QuantConnect.Orders.Slippage import *
from QuantConnect.Scheduling import *
from QuantConnect.Securities import *
from QuantConnect.Securities.Equity import *
from QuantConnect.Securities.Forex import *
from QuantConnect.Securities.Interfaces import *
from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta
from QuantConnect.Python import *
from QuantConnect.Storage import *
QCAlgorithmFramework = QCAlgorithm
QCAlgorithmFrameworkBridge = QCAlgorithm