A predictive algorithm for cryptocurrency market making
This document details a procedure to investigate if it is possible to predict the fair value of a cryptocurrency by using its limit order book data and the respective market data (trades).
The probability distribution of an order at depth $D$ of the order book being executed is assumed to be a Poisson distribution.
Using such a distribution, the probability of a limit order at $D > 10$ being hit is negligible (p = 0.00045). We will therefore consider only the first 10 levels of the historical LOBs. This also has the benefit of speeding up the calculations.
The instantaneous fair value is assumed to be the arithmetic average of the bid and ask price at the top of the LOB (level 0), usually referred to as mid-price.
The predicted fair value is based on the same convention. Since the fair value is the variable we want to predict, it will equivalently be referred to as "target" in the rest of this document.
The frequency of the historical data available is not constant, that is, the time delta between $LOB_i$ and $LOB_{i-1}$, is not constant.
Although it is possible to resample the historical data in order to have a constant time delta, doing so has two undesired effects:
We also assume that the real time data will not arrive at constant intervals. For these reasons resampling is disabled.
The target variable we will try to predict is the average percent change of the mid-price $N$ time steps ahead (with $N$ being configurable).
According to the available literature ([2], [3]), there might be a relationship, possibly linear, between the target (future mid-price) and the independent variables (the prices and volumes at each level of the historical LOBs). We will therefore search first for a linear relationship between the target and the independent variables, and then explore other possible non-linear relationships between the target and the independent variables.
In order to provide quotes around the predicted fair price we need to estimate the spread. The bid and ask quotes will be calculated as:
\begin{align*} & bid = fair - spread/2 \tag{1} \end{align*}\begin{equation} ask = ask + spread/2 \tag{2} \end{equation}The spread is calculated as suggested in Avellaneda and Stoikov [1]:
\begin{equation} spread = (T - t) \cdot \gamma \cdot \sigma^2 + log_e(1 + \gamma/k) \cdot 2/\gamma \tag{3} \end{equation}## Maximum depth of the orderbook to consider.
## Orders at levels greater than maxdepth will be discarded
## Use -1 to use all levels
## Frequency to resample the dataframes (seconds).
## Use -1 to skip resampling
resample_freq = -1 # int(np.floor(pd.Series(ob.index).diff().describe()['25%'].total_seconds()))
## Weight the prices and volumes of each LOB level. See function calculate_weights()
orderbook_depth_weights = 'none'
## The quantity we want to predict
target_side = 'mids'
## Predict the target N steps ahead.
## If it is an array with more than one element, populate the dataframe with a column for each element
## The prediction is for the last element of the array
n_steps_future = [0,5]
## The last date of the dataset we want to analyse
## Leave empty to use the whole dataset
last_date = ''
## Merge trades with order books
merge_ob_trades = False
## Parameters for spread estimation
std_window = 1000
Load libraries
import gc
import json
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning)
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=RuntimeWarning)
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
pd.options.plotting.backend = 'matplotlib'
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=pd.errors.PerformanceWarning)
import xgboost
from sklearn.utils import class_weight
from sklearn import model_selection
import sklearn.linear_model as linear_model
import sklearn.ensemble as ensemble
import sklearn.feature_selection as feature_selection
import sklearn.metrics as metrics
import sklearn.pipeline as pipeline
import sklearn.preprocessing as preprocessing
import statsmodels.api as sm
import dateutil
import importlib
import seaborn as sns
%config InlineBackend.figure_formats = ['png']
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ggplot_styles = {
'axes.edgecolor': 'white',
'axes.facecolor': 'white',
'axes.grid': True,
'axes.grid.which': 'both',
'axes.spines.left': False,
'axes.spines.right': False,
'axes.spines.top': False,
'axes.spines.bottom': False,
'grid.color': 'lightgrey',
'grid.linewidth': '0.5',
'xtick.color': '555555',
'xtick.major.bottom': True,
'xtick.minor.bottom': False,
'ytick.color': '555555',
'ytick.major.left': True,
'ytick.minor.left': False,
'figure.figsize': [8,6]
import utilities as utils
Load data from the CSV files and serialize it to retrieve it more efficiently. This is needed only once
# utils.load_data()
ob = pd.read_pickle('orderbook.bz2')
trades = pd.read_pickle('trades.bz2')
Remove duplicates
if merge_ob_trades:
ob = ob.drop_duplicates('lastUpdated')
trades = trades.drop_duplicates('timestamp')
Make sure that dates are handled as such (datetime format in Pandas)
trades['timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(trades['timestamp'])
ob['lastUpdated'] = pd.to_datetime(ob['lastUpdated'])
trades = trades.set_index('timestamp')
ob = ob.set_index('lastUpdated')
Optionally limit the amount of data to process
if last_date: ob = ob[ob.index < dateutil.parser.parse(last_date)]
Visual inspection of imported data
asks | bids | |
lastUpdated | ||
2020-07-17 00:00:23.225 | [[2.644e-05, 5243], [2.645e-05, 4216], [2.646e... | [[2.639e-05, 4216], [2.638e-05, 7000], [2.637e... |
2020-07-17 00:00:30.293 | [[2.645e-05, 4216], [2.646e-05, 763], [2.647e-... | [[2.638e-05, 4989], [2.637e-05, 2427], [2.6360... |
2020-07-17 00:00:30.429 | [[2.645e-05, 4216], [2.646e-05, 763], [2.647e-... | [[2.639e-05, 4216], [2.638e-05, 4989], [2.637e... |
2020-07-17 00:01:04.450 | [[2.644e-05, 11], [2.646e-05, 4978], [2.647e-0... | [[2.639e-05, 4216], [2.638e-05, 6689], [2.637e... |
2020-07-17 00:01:10.753 | [[2.643e-05, 7], [2.645e-05, 3982], [2.646e-05... | [[2.639e-05, 4216], [2.638e-05, 6689], [2.637e... |
... | ... | ... |
2020-07-30 23:58:32.329 | [[2.7060000000000002e-05, 7396], [2.707e-05, 2... | [[2.703e-05, 495], [2.7020000000000002e-05, 28... |
2020-07-30 23:58:38.233 | [[2.709e-05, 46], [2.7099999999999998e-05, 275... | [[2.703e-05, 3251], [2.7020000000000002e-05, 1... |
2020-07-30 23:58:44.335 | [[2.707e-05, 7395], [2.7099999999999998e-05, 7... | [[2.703e-05, 3251], [2.7020000000000002e-05, 1... |
2020-07-30 23:58:44.438 | [[2.7099999999999998e-05, 54], [2.711e-05, 255... | [[2.703e-05, 3251], [2.7020000000000002e-05, 1... |
2020-07-30 23:59:01.545 | [[2.705e-05, 2758], [2.7060000000000002e-05, 6... | [[2.703e-05, 131], [2.7020000000000002e-05, 10... |
96858 rows × 2 columns
number | id | price | side | amount | |
timestamp | |||||
2020-07-17 00:01:10.647 | 0 | 19088200 | 0.00002643 | buy | 4.0 |
2020-07-17 00:01:26.820 | 1 | 19088201 | 0.00002640 | sell | 58.0 |
2020-07-17 00:01:26.825 | 2 | 19088202 | 0.00002640 | sell | 25.0 |
2020-07-17 00:01:26.841 | 3 | 19088203 | 0.00002640 | sell | 235.0 |
2020-07-17 00:01:26.842 | 4 | 19088204 | 0.00002640 | sell | 36.0 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
2020-07-30 23:54:05.293 | 96498 | 19187367 | 0.00002707 | sell | 181.0 |
2020-07-30 23:57:25.885 | 96499 | 19187368 | 0.00002709 | buy | 167.0 |
2020-07-30 23:58:00.690 | 96500 | 19187369 | 0.00002706 | sell | 21.0 |
2020-07-30 23:58:00.697 | 96501 | 19187370 | 0.00002705 | sell | 43.0 |
2020-07-30 23:58:36.580 | 96502 | 19187371 | 0.00002710 | buy | 1.0 |
96503 rows × 5 columns
price | amount | |
count | 96502.000000000000 | 96502.000000000000 |
mean | 0.000000000007 | -0.000031087439 |
std | 0.000000030751 | 3320.324964702130 |
min | -0.000000990000 | -192662.000000000000 |
25% | -0.000000010000 | -261.750000000000 |
50% | 0.000000000000 | 0.000000000000 |
75% | 0.000000010000 | 236.000000000000 |
max | 0.000000960000 | 192641.000000000000 |
count 96857 mean 0 days 00:00:12.487670689 std 0 days 00:00:23.259605382 min 0 days 00:00:00.012000 25% 0 days 00:00:00.700000 50% 0 days 00:00:07.103000 75% 0 days 00:00:13.707000 max 0 days 00:12:44.853000 Name: lastUpdated, dtype: object
if merge_ob_trades:
ob_backup = ob.copy()
trades_backup = trades.copy()
trades = trades.reindex(ob.index, method='bfill')
ob['market_price'] = trades['price']
ob['market_volume'] = trades['amount']
ob['market_side'] = trades['side'].apply(lambda x: 1 if x=='buy' else 0)
Parse the order books so that each one is stored as a Pandas DataFrame and not as a string
parsed_ob = utils.parse_all_books(ob, maxdepth_parse=maxdepth_parse)
del(ob); gc.collect()
Optionally resample the dataframes to a common frequency
if resample_freq > 0:
parsed_ob = parsed_ob.resample(f'{resample_freq}s').bfill()
#trades = trades.resample(f'{resample_freq}s').bfill()
asks | bids | |
lastUpdated | ||
2020-07-17 00:00:23.225 | price volume 0 0.00002644 5243 1 ... | price volume 0 0.00002639 4216 1 ... |
2020-07-17 00:00:30.293 | price volume 0 0.00002645 4216 1 ... | price volume 0 0.00002638 4989 1 ... |
2020-07-17 00:00:30.429 | price volume 0 0.00002645 4216 1 ... | price volume 0 0.00002639 4216 1 ... |
2020-07-17 00:01:04.450 | price volume 0 0.00002644 11 1 ... | price volume 0 0.00002639 4216 1 ... |
2020-07-17 00:01:10.753 | price volume 0 0.00002643 7 1 ... | price volume 0 0.00002639 4216 1 ... |
... | ... | ... |
2020-07-30 23:58:32.329 | price volume 0 0.00002706 7396 1 ... | price volume 0 0.00002703 495 1 ... |
2020-07-30 23:58:38.233 | price volume 0 0.00002709 46 1 ... | price volume 0 0.00002703 3251 1 ... |
2020-07-30 23:58:44.335 | price volume 0 0.00002707 7395 1 ... | price volume 0 0.00002703 3251 1 ... |
2020-07-30 23:58:44.438 | price volume 0 0.00002710 54 1 ... | price volume 0 0.00002703 3251 1 ... |
2020-07-30 23:59:01.545 | price volume 0 0.00002705 2758 1 ... | price volume 0 0.00002703 131 1 ... |
96858 rows × 2 columns
trades.plot(title='Market price', y='price');
Calculate and plot the "average" order book
avg_ob = parsed_ob.sum()/parsed_ob.count()
side = 'bids'
book = avg_ob[side]
weights = utils.calculate_weights(book)
(book['volume']*weights).plot.bar(title='Side: bid', xlabel='LOB depth', ylabel='Volume');
side = 'asks'
book = avg_ob[side]
(book['volume']*weights).plot.bar(title='Side: ask', xlabel='LOB depth', ylabel='Volume');
((avg_ob['asks']-avg_ob['bids'])['volume']*weights).plot.bar(title='Ask minus Bid', xlabel='LOB depth', ylabel='Volume');
We will now derive new features from the raw data as they could help uncover correlations/patterns which could help forecast the fair value. The aim is to find a relationship which links the future fair value $N$ steps ahead to the historical LOB data available:
$fair_{t+N} = f(LOB_{t}, LOB_{t-1}, ...)$
We now calculate:
parsed_ob['mids'] = (parsed_ob['asks'] + parsed_ob['bids'])/2.
parsed_ob = utils.calculate_pct_changes(parsed_ob, target_side, n_steps_future, keyword='_pct_')
spread = parsed_ob['asks'] - parsed_ob['bids']
parsed_ob['askbid_ratio'] = parsed_ob['asks']/parsed_ob['bids'] - 1
parsed_ob['imbalance_ratio'] = spread/parsed_ob['mids']
Calculate the weighted mean of price and volume across the levels of the LOB.
for metric in ['askbid_ratio','imbalance_ratio']:
for col in ['price','volume']:
parsed_ob[f'{metric}_{col}_weighted_mean'] = parsed_ob[metric].apply( lambda book:
sum(book[col] * utils.calculate_weights(book,type=orderbook_depth_weights))
/ sum(utils.calculate_weights(book,type=orderbook_depth_weights)) )
Specify the targets of the analysis. If our hypothesis is correct we should find a linear relationship between the target and the (historical) features $f_i$:
$target_{t+N} = [c + a_1 \cdot f_1 + a_2 \cdot f_2 + ... + a_n \cdot f_n]_{t} + [c + a_1 \cdot f_1 + a_2 \cdot f_2 + ... + a_n \cdot f_n]_{t-1} + ...$
targets = [t for t in parsed_ob.columns.values if '_pct_' in t and 'target' not in t]
for t in targets:
parsed_ob['target_' + t] = parsed_ob[t]
In order to carry out the analysis we need to "flatten" the order books so that each level of the order book is represented by a separate column. This way we can easily transform each feature to create new ones which might help to predict the target.
to_drop = targets + ['mids']
flat_parsed_ob = utils.flatten_all_books(parsed_ob, to_drop=to_drop,
Flattening feature: asks Flattening feature: bids Flattening feature: askbid_ratio Flattening feature: imbalance_ratio Flattening feature: target_mids_pct_0 Flattening feature: target_mids_pct_5
lastUpdated | askbid_ratio_price_weighted_mean | askbid_ratio_volume_weighted_mean | imbalance_ratio_price_weighted_mean | imbalance_ratio_volume_weighted_mean | asks_price_level_0 | asks_price_level_1 | asks_price_level_2 | asks_price_level_3 | asks_price_level_4 | ... | target_mids_pct_5_volume_level_0 | target_mids_pct_5_volume_level_1 | target_mids_pct_5_volume_level_2 | target_mids_pct_5_volume_level_3 | target_mids_pct_5_volume_level_4 | target_mids_pct_5_volume_level_5 | target_mids_pct_5_volume_level_6 | target_mids_pct_5_volume_level_7 | target_mids_pct_5_volume_level_8 | target_mids_pct_5_volume_level_9 | |
1 | 2020-07-17 00:00:30.293 | 0.006077951195 | 95.216377457823 | 0.006057164490 | 0.129558427753 | 0.00002645 | 0.00002646 | 0.00002647 | 0.00002648 | 0.00002649 | ... | -56.023900054318 | 900.564263322884 | -67.376214715410 | -78.312692598407 | 214.674130347861 | -14.386775427705 | 3729.701230228471 | -96.295870240423 | -43.095939541437 | 332.422171602126 |
2 | 2020-07-17 00:00:30.429 | 0.005696064107 | 12.132931502401 | 0.005677517033 | 0.060698331709 | 0.00002645 | 0.00002646 | 0.00002647 | 0.00002648 | 0.00002649 | ... | -49.928842504744 | 39.481919332406 | 329.447446785045 | -96.502218159930 | 1397.647058823530 | -30.922277132405 | 1857.344064386318 | -0.412532054856 | 855.312157721796 | -93.554220381497 |
3 | 2020-07-17 00:01:04.450 | 0.005658170966 | 4.807230932065 | 0.005639702742 | -0.269652793336 | 0.00002644 | 0.00002646 | 0.00002647 | 0.00002648 | 0.00002649 | ... | -69.245327655548 | 32.827633496186 | 44.568844870277 | -20.173162537896 | -49.673763736264 | -48.751684744240 | 1746.981891348089 | -26.446649570744 | 23.254160147916 | -90.799882801055 |
4 | 2020-07-17 00:01:10.753 | 0.005278591847 | 4.644906072570 | 0.005262190319 | -0.110178755809 | 0.00002643 | 0.00002645 | 0.00002646 | 0.00002647 | 0.00002648 | ... | -0.047359696898 | 5.725798894199 | 81.350438892640 | 0.000000000000 | -67.269681742044 | -30.181590482154 | 49.924204143507 | 1051.308900523560 | -60.211557834967 | -86.477174849268 |
5 | 2020-07-17 00:01:18.858 | 0.004897152943 | 2.013669986961 | 0.004882686142 | -0.372028741073 | 0.00002643 | 0.00002645 | 0.00002646 | 0.00002647 | 0.00002648 | ... | 7.180570221753 | 63.979019272993 | -29.339504056679 | 799.381387842926 | -90.418124162281 | -98.437500000000 | 33.296964251332 | 177.090909090909 | -42.061745682470 | -90.138190954774 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
96848 | 2020-07-30 23:58:25.227 | 0.007229176642 | 13.649452908530 | 0.007199312138 | -0.418270221678 | 0.00002710 | 0.00002712 | 0.00002713 | 0.00002717 | 0.00002718 | ... | -8.083867210250 | -25.700687466949 | 129.524232992441 | 1216.624040920716 | -76.126404147636 | 1161.637931034483 | -83.653673432729 | 742.366554684584 | -7.888446215139 | -46.207515199841 |
96849 | 2020-07-30 23:58:25.328 | 0.006228613124 | 10.686884864106 | 0.006205477910 | -0.138614138212 | 0.00002709 | 0.00002710 | 0.00002711 | 0.00002712 | 0.00002713 | ... | 13.886010362694 | -66.522349637257 | 74.476722060129 | -6.863442389758 | -17.818930041152 | 0.000000000000 | 48.823836905384 | 0.000000000000 | 0.000000000000 | -13.530349123569 |
96850 | 2020-07-30 23:58:25.428 | 0.005709750993 | 4.638994660619 | 0.005689828689 | 0.265893564738 | 0.00002708 | 0.00002709 | 0.00002710 | 0.00002711 | 0.00002712 | ... | 766.938110749186 | 168.767507002801 | -30.515887183149 | 28.866655732327 | -48.277648277648 | -79.576008273009 | 42.849974912193 | -3.040293040293 | 35.144237160456 | -72.546223898445 |
96851 | 2020-07-30 23:58:26.225 | 0.006673414751 | 10.621061081675 | 0.006647136258 | -0.156175782429 | 0.00002709 | 0.00002710 | 0.00002712 | 0.00002713 | 0.00002717 | ... | 14.162348877375 | -68.921132693658 | 32.214830757190 | -85.213864306785 | 0.000000000000 | 0.000000000000 | 51.038251366120 | 0.000000000000 | -30.709323421390 | -13.548012764723 |
96852 | 2020-07-30 23:58:31.628 | 0.006599422890 | 0.549903308992 | 0.006573281075 | -0.504127771190 | 0.00002707 | 0.00002710 | 0.00002712 | 0.00002713 | 0.00002717 | ... | -11.162361623616 | -65.487009515663 | -4.101969872538 | 94.109904573873 | -60.640508495294 | 4795.555555555556 | 5.101302460203 | -10.931613197854 | -63.781583255896 | -7.248322147651 |
96852 rows × 125 columns
flat_parsed_ob_backup = flat_parsed_ob.copy()
del(parsed_ob); gc.collect()
flat_parsed_ob = flat_parsed_ob_backup.copy()
The following snippet creates new features from the original ones. The target might be related to one of the transformed features, and this could help improve the predictive power of the model we are going to fit later on.
keywords = ['lastUpdated','target','rolling','lag','pctchange','traded','pow','loge','log10','bin']
flat_parsed_ob = utils.feature_engineering(flat_parsed_ob, keywords)
Clean data and check if there are any nulls left
flat_parsed_ob = flat_parsed_ob.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan)
flat_parsed_ob = flat_parsed_ob.copy().dropna()
Check types of columns to make sure subsequent calculations run efficiently
float64 1066 int64 42 datetime64[ns] 1 dtype: int64
We start with analysing the whole historical LOB dataset to get an understanding of the properties of the independent variables, in particular those that we expect to be able to predict the future fair value.
Analysing and fitting the entire dataset, which represents several trading days, might not provide significant insights into the actual forecasting potential of the historical data. Using two weeks old data to train a model with the aim of using it to make predictions for the next hour will likely lead to poor results. There are in fact thousands of data rows for each trading day, each containing 400 data points (100 ask prices, 100 bid prices, 100 ask volumes, 100 bid volumes). It makes therefore sense to use only data that is, for example, at most 1 day old. Older data is likely not relevant anymore, and therefore not useful in fitting a model with the aim to predict the fair price in the next 30 seconds.
For this reason the analysis of the whole dataset is only vaguely indicative. We will later perform a rolling cross-validation of the models to get an understanding of their possible predictive power in a scenario similar to the one in which we would actually use them.
The volume imbalance ratio has positive autocorrelation as shown in the charts below. The partial autocorrelation is significant approximately up to lag 15. This indicates that a positive (negative) imbalance is often followed by periods of persistent positive (negative) imbalance. The imbalance effect is therefore not a transient one, and could help in predicting the target.
results = sm.tsa.stattools.adfuller(flat_parsed_ob['imbalance_ratio_volume_weighted_mean'])
message = "The series is non-stationary"
if results[1] < 0.05:
for key, value in results[4].items():
if abs(results[0]) < abs(value):
message = f'The series is stationary at a significance level of {key}'
The series is non-stationary
results = sm.tsa.stattools.kpss(flat_parsed_ob['imbalance_ratio_volume_weighted_mean'], nlags="auto")
message = "The series is non-stationary"
if results[1] < 0.05:
for key, value in results[3].items():
if abs(results[0]) < abs(value):
message = f'The series is stationary at a significance level of {key}'
The series is stationary at a significance level of 2.5%
_ = sm.graphics.tsa.plot_acf(flat_parsed_ob['imbalance_ratio_volume_weighted_mean'], lags=40)
_ = sm.graphics.tsa.plot_pacf(flat_parsed_ob['imbalance_ratio_volume_weighted_mean'], lags=40)
Visually inspect the data to possibly find a relationship between the target and some features.
The graph immediately below shows that there is a weak relationship between the volume imbalance ratio and the instantaneous price change of the target variable. This relationship seems to get slightly stronger for longer prediction windows as shown in the second chart: future top of the book prices seem to be more likely to be lower if the current ask volume is higher than the bid volume.
_ = sns.regplot(x='imbalance_ratio_volume_weighted_mean',
data=flat_parsed_ob, line_kws=dict(color='red'));
_.set_xlabel('Volume imbalance ratio (LOB mean)');
_.set_ylabel('Percent price change (one step ahead)');
_ = sns.regplot(x='imbalance_ratio_volume_weighted_mean_rolling_5_mean',
data=flat_parsed_ob, line_kws=dict(color='red'));
_.set_xlabel('Volume imbalance ratio (LOB mean), 5 steps rolling average');
_.set_ylabel(f'Percent price change ({n_steps_future[-1]} step ahead)');
The chart below shows that the future mid-price change is on average lower when ask volumes are significantly higher than bid volumes.
_ = sns.regplot(x='askbid_ratio_volume_weighted_mean',
data=flat_parsed_ob, line_kws=dict(color='red'));
_.set_xlabel('Volume ask/bid ratio (LOB mean)');
_.set_ylabel(f'Percent price change ({n_steps_future[-1]} step ahead)');
The chart below clearly shows that for higher values of the bid-ask spread both the volume imbalance ratio and the liquidity (fewer data-points for higher spreads) are on average smaller.
flat_parsed_ob.plot.scatter(x='imbalance_ratio_volume_weighted_mean', y='imbalance_ratio_price_level_0',
xlabel='Volume imbalance ratio (LOB mean)', ylabel='Bid-ask spread as percentage of mid-price');
Investigate which models could possibly describe the relationship between the current order book and the future top of the book mid-price.
Split the data in train and test sets.
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = utils.prepare_data(flat_parsed_ob,
Check if there are any features that have a linear relationship with the target.
model = sm.OLS(y_train, X_train)
results = model.fit()
results_summary = results.summary()
results_as_html = results_summary.tables[0].as_html()
pd.read_html(results_as_html, header=0, index_col=0)[0]
y | R-squared: | 0.132 | |
Dep. Variable: | |||
Model: | OLS | Adj. R-squared: | 0.123 |
Method: | Least Squares | F-statistic: | 15.820 |
Date: | Sat, 09 Apr 2022 | Prob (F-statistic): | 0.000 |
Time: | 17:49:00 | Log-Likelihood: | 52052.000 |
No. Observations: | 59949 | AIC: | -103000.000 |
Df Residuals: | 59379 | BIC: | -97830.000 |
Df Model: | 569 | NaN | NaN |
Covariance Type: | nonrobust | NaN | NaN |
results_as_html = results_summary.tables[1].as_html()
pd.read_html(results_as_html, header=0, index_col=0)[0].sort_values(by='P>|t|')
coef | std err | t | P>|t| | [0.025 | 0.975] | |
const | 48.8247 | 7.321 | 6.669 | 0.000 | 34.475 | 63.175 |
imbalance_ratio_volume_level_8_lag_8 | 0.0045 | 0.001 | 5.602 | 0.000 | 0.003 | 0.006 |
imbalance_ratio_volume_level_8_lag_9 | 0.0044 | 0.001 | 5.533 | 0.000 | 0.003 | 0.006 |
askbid_ratio_price_level_7_pctchange_61 | 161.5078 | 39.609 | 4.078 | 0.000 | 83.875 | 239.141 |
imbalance_ratio_volume_level_9_lag_1 | 0.0218 | 0.004 | 5.854 | 0.000 | 0.014 | 0.029 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
askbid_ratio_price_level_2_pctchange_201 | 0.1747 | 13.462 | 0.013 | 0.990 | -26.212 | 26.561 |
imbalance_ratio_price_level_5_lag_4 | 0.9421 | 83.598 | 0.011 | 0.991 | -162.909 | 164.794 |
imbalance_ratio_price_level_6_lag_3 | -0.3350 | 91.093 | -0.004 | 0.997 | -178.877 | 178.207 |
askbid_ratio_price_level_3_pctchange_81 | -0.0549 | 19.018 | -0.003 | 0.998 | -37.330 | 37.220 |
imbalance_ratio_price_level_3_pctchange_81 | 0.0265 | 19.064 | 0.001 | 0.999 | -37.339 | 37.392 |
1069 rows × 6 columns
The residuals should ideally:
While condition #1 is approximately satisfied, this is not the case for #2 and #3.
Both the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and the QQ plot show that condition #2 is not satisfied. The residuals are nonetheless approximately distributed symmetrically around the mean.
The Durbin-Watson test, as well as the ACF and PACF charts, show that the residuals are positively autocorrelated: condition #3 is not satisfied.
predictions = results.predict(X_test)
prediction_error = y_test - predictions
0 | |
count | 23194.000000000000 |
mean | 0.002352179778 |
std | 0.219006116152 |
min | -11.074054726947 |
25% | -0.067882855451 |
50% | 0.000787590469 |
75% | 0.069043484067 |
max | 3.727768332582 |
_, pvalue = sm.stats.diagnostic.kstest_normal(prediction_error)
if pvalue < 0.05: print("The residuals are not Normally distributed; p-value: " + str(pvalue))
The residuals are not Normally distributed; p-value: 0.0009999999999998899
dw = sm.stats.stattools.durbin_watson(prediction_error, axis=0)
if dw < 1: print("The residuals are positively autocorrelated. Durbin-Watson statistic: " + str(dw))
if dw > 3: print("The residuals are negatively autocorrelated. Durbin-Watson statistic: " + str(dw))
The residuals are positively autocorrelated. Durbin-Watson statistic: 0.571941507029963
prediction_error.plot(kind='hist',bins=1000, title="Prediction error distribution");
_ = sm.qqplot(prediction_error, marker='.');
x = range(0,len(y_test))
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
legend = ax.legend(loc='upper left')
_ = sm.graphics.tsa.plot_acf(prediction_error, lags=40)
_ = sm.graphics.tsa.plot_pacf(prediction_error, lags=40)
The cross validation setup and the results using a linear regression model are shown below. The cross validation is configured so that the test dataset (orange) is always about $1/5$ of the training dataset (blue). The R-squared and MSE are evaluated for the train set and the test set. The descriptive statistics are shown in the table below, while the rolling R-squared for both the train set and the test set are shown in the subsequent figure.
The train set R-squared values obtained from the cross validation process seem to confirm that the predicted values are actually positively related to the real values. This happens for most of the days in the historical dataset.
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = utils.prepare_data(flat_parsed_ob,
filter_fun=None, test_size=0.)
n_days = flat_parsed_ob["lastUpdated"].map(pd.Timestamp.date).unique().size
max_train_size = int(np.floor(len(X_train)/n_days))
test_size = int(max_train_size/5)
n_splits = int(len(X_train)/test_size)-1
kfold = model_selection.TimeSeriesSplit(n_splits=n_splits,
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
utils.plot_cv_indices(kfold, X_train, y_train, ax);
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = utils.prepare_data(flat_parsed_ob,
filter_fun=None, test_size=0.)
scoring = ['r2', 'neg_mean_squared_error']
n_days = flat_parsed_ob["lastUpdated"].map(pd.Timestamp.date).unique().size
scaler = preprocessing.RobustScaler()#MinMaxScaler()
selector = feature_selection.SelectKBest(feature_selection.f_regression, k=20)
models = [('Ridge', pipeline.make_pipeline(scaler, selector, linear_model.Ridge(fit_intercept=False)))]
cv_results, fitted = utils.test_models(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, mode='cv',
models=models, scoring=scoring, kfold=kfold)
Fitting model: Ridge
fit_time | score_time | test_r2 | train_r2 | test_neg_mean_squared_error | train_neg_mean_squared_error | |
count | 69.000000000000 | 69.000000000000 | 69.000000000000 | 69.000000000000 | 69.000000000000 | 69.000000000000 |
mean | 0.333873848984 | 0.012919432875 | 0.028822254092 | 0.070229812273 | -0.016471403460 | -0.015131589037 |
std | 0.018144384567 | 0.001662836451 | 0.059078263947 | 0.034619643888 | 0.023563365223 | 0.013993361944 |
min | 0.223081588745 | 0.012141942978 | -0.131451745510 | 0.031828395760 | -0.175018441188 | -0.052642739588 |
25% | 0.333499431610 | 0.012435436249 | -0.006585886034 | 0.051146566804 | -0.019409458100 | -0.022903501645 |
50% | 0.335736989975 | 0.012549638748 | 0.027211790901 | 0.057035963721 | -0.008815412852 | -0.008847181340 |
75% | 0.339479684830 | 0.012677192688 | 0.061877578638 | 0.067794161364 | -0.004129877889 | -0.004584193482 |
max | 0.360774993896 | 0.025242328644 | 0.183978750468 | 0.177001109424 | -0.002426292679 | -0.002778878809 |
for m in set(cv_results['model']):
cv_results[cv_results['model']==m][['test_r2','train_r2']].plot(title='Model: ' + m);
To get a more concrete understanding of the actual capability of the linear regression model in predicting future values we calculate an accuracy score for the linear regression as follows: if the actual data and the predicted data have the same sign we consider the prediction as correct, and incorrect otherwise. We then calculate the number of correct predictions as percentage of the total and use this quantity as score. A score greater equal to 0.5 means that the prediction is not better than random.
As shown in the table and in the figure below, the accuracy is greater than 0.5 for most of the days in the historical dataset.
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = utils.prepare_data(flat_parsed_ob,
filter_fun=None, test_size=0)
scoring = metrics.make_scorer(utils.binarize, greater_is_better=True)
n_days = flat_parsed_ob["lastUpdated"].map(pd.Timestamp.date).unique().size
scaler = preprocessing.RobustScaler()
selector = feature_selection.SelectKBest(feature_selection.f_regression, k=30)
models = [('Ridge', pipeline.make_pipeline(scaler, selector, linear_model.Ridge(fit_intercept=False)))]
cv_results, fitted = utils.test_models(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, models=models, scoring=scoring, kfold=kfold)
Fitting model: Ridge
fit_time | score_time | test_score | train_score | |
count | 69.000000000000 | 69.000000000000 | 69.000000000000 | 69.000000000000 |
mean | 0.335588002550 | 0.013615846634 | 0.577432354634 | 0.591096794227 |
std | 0.020117858132 | 0.002543659147 | 0.045609588068 | 0.028600052101 |
min | 0.216948032379 | 0.010088682175 | 0.464594127807 | 0.512001381454 |
25% | 0.333982229233 | 0.012809753418 | 0.548359240069 | 0.579174581247 |
50% | 0.338042259216 | 0.012974500656 | 0.577720207254 | 0.590398894837 |
75% | 0.343518018723 | 0.013219118118 | 0.603626943005 | 0.607839751338 |
max | 0.360073804855 | 0.028847694397 | 0.674438687392 | 0.657226731135 |
for m in set(cv_results['model']):
cv_results[cv_results['model']==m][['test_score','train_score']].plot(title='Model: ' + m);
We now perform a rolling cross-validation of other non-linear models. Before fitting a model we first scale the data, and then discard the features which are weakly correlated with the target according to the p-values provided by a linear regression. We then perform the rolling cross validation using only the remaining features.
As shown in the table below, non-linear models perform worse than the linear regression. This indicates that the relationship between the independent variables and the target variable is inherently linear. Other models are likely overfitting the past data (high R-squared on train data), and therefore perform poorly on unseen data (low R-squared on test data).
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = utils.prepare_data(flat_parsed_ob,
filter_fun=None, test_size=0)
scoring = ['r2', 'neg_mean_squared_error']
n_days = flat_parsed_ob["lastUpdated"].map(pd.Timestamp.date).unique().size
scaler = preprocessing.MaxAbsScaler()
selector = feature_selection.SelectKBest(feature_selection.f_regression, k=30)
models = [
('RF', pipeline.make_pipeline(scaler, selector, ensemble.RandomForestRegressor(n_jobs=-1))),
('GBR', pipeline.make_pipeline(scaler, selector, ensemble.GradientBoostingRegressor())),
('XGB', pipeline.make_pipeline(scaler, selector, xgboost.XGBRegressor()))
cv_results, fitted = utils.test_models(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, models=models, scoring=scoring, kfold=kfold)
cv_results.groupby('model').agg([np.mean, np.std]).drop(['fit_time', 'score_time'],axis=1)
Fitting model: RF Fitting model: GBR Fitting model: XGB
test_r2 | train_r2 | test_neg_mean_squared_error | train_neg_mean_squared_error | |||||
mean | std | mean | std | mean | std | mean | std | |
model | ||||||||
GBR | -0.035045437279 | 0.126602822863 | 0.275395881971 | 0.095452032435 | -0.017260935830 | 0.023765452648 | -0.011328787795 | 0.010029123550 |
RF | -0.081334531733 | 0.161601914501 | 0.860985559525 | 0.097174713448 | -0.017709898251 | 0.023942569538 | -0.002087620088 | 0.001902349882 |
XGB | -0.228866571154 | 0.239549250860 | 0.810262931564 | 0.122869576106 | -0.019637913009 | 0.024934347772 | -0.002763408650 | 0.002724918205 |
for m in set(cv_results['model']):
cv_results[cv_results['model']==m][['test_r2','train_r2']].plot(title='Model: ' + m);
The logistic regression is not suitable for our end goal, as we need to predict a continuous value, not a discrete one. We can nonetheless run a rolling cross validation using a logistic regression to compare its results to the accuracy of the linear regression's prediction. To do so we transform the target variable in a discrete one by considering only the sign of the prediction: positive values are considered as +1, and negative values are considered as -1.
As shown in the table below, the accuracy of the prediction of the logistic regression is comparable to the accuracy of the "binarized" linear regression. This increases our confidence in the validity of the results of the cross validation of the linear regression model.
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = utils.prepare_data(flat_parsed_ob,
filter_fun=utils.discretify, add_constant=False, test_size=0)
scoring = ['accuracy']
scaler = preprocessing.MaxAbsScaler()
selector = feature_selection.SelectKBest(feature_selection.f_classif, k=30)
models = [('LogReg', pipeline.make_pipeline(scaler, selector, linear_model.LogisticRegression(max_iter=1000)))]
cv_results, fitted = utils.test_models(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test,
type='classification', models=models,
scoring=scoring, kfold=kfold)
Filtering target Fitting model: LogReg
fit_time | score_time | test_accuracy | train_accuracy | |
count | 69.000000000000 | 69.000000000000 | 69.000000000000 | 69.000000000000 |
mean | 0.169621491778 | 0.011826076369 | 0.589784986609 | 0.607050206462 |
std | 0.027328752996 | 0.000737363203 | 0.034070475403 | 0.019191981563 |
min | 0.047887563705 | 0.011236190796 | 0.504317789292 | 0.574339492316 |
25% | 0.153435707092 | 0.011511325836 | 0.570811744387 | 0.594178082192 |
50% | 0.170368194580 | 0.011587858200 | 0.589810017271 | 0.604904161630 |
75% | 0.187912702560 | 0.011782407761 | 0.608808290155 | 0.615783111725 |
max | 0.226779699326 | 0.015849828720 | 0.671848013817 | 0.666551545502 |
for m in set(cv_results['model']):
cv_results[cv_results['model']==m][['test_accuracy','train_accuracy']].plot(title='Model: ' + m);
The spread is estimated as suggested in Avellaneda and Stoikov [1].
The charts below clearly show that the spread should increase proportionally to the market volatility. The remaining parameters ($\gamma, \kappa$) can be used to trim the risk we are willing to take. The charts below are produced by using the values suggested in the original paper.
prices = trades.drop_duplicates()['price']
std = prices.pct_change().rolling(std_window).std().fillna(0)
prices = prices[std>0]
std = std[std>0]
std.plot(title="Standard deviation");
spread = utils.calculate_spread(0, T=1, gamma=gamma, sigma=std, k=kappa)
spread = ((spread - spread.min())/(spread.max()-spread.min())).fillna(0)
spread = spread*prices
spread.plot(title="Scaled spread");
ask = prices + spread/2
bid = prices - spread/2
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
legend = ax.legend(loc='upper left')
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(prices[-1000:],linestyle=':',color='lightgrey', label='price');
legend = ax.legend(loc='upper left')
The analysis has confirmed our initial hypothesis of a linear relationship between the target variable (fair price $N$ steps ahead) and the independent variables (historical prices and volumes in the first 10 levels of the order book). The results of the cross validation indicate that such a relationship could be exploited effectively to forecast the fair price and to provide quotes around it.
An example implementation of the entire predictive algorithm described in this document is provided in the module quoter.py
attached to this document. The Quoter
class contained in the module requires the historical LOB and trades data to fit the model. Once the Quoter
is initialized, it is ready to predict future values in an "online" fashion. Since the predictive model is based on lagged features as well as on features' percent changes, the prediction requires a number of past LOBs at least equal to the maximum lag/percent change used when training the model.
Although the results of the analysis are encouraging, additional work is necessary before considering deploying the predictive algorithm to production: